Micropoems, Haiku, Senyu and Tanka

Lazy Writing

The Streets and Me – the poet mix

I have been busy twittering away this week, trying to come to terms with this new medium. On the one hand, if you want to write short bits of poetry, it is an excellent spur for doing so. I, at least, feel obliged to keep sending my missives out, and my vanity curls up and rolls over purring when someone decides to resend one of my little scraps, or joins my growing gang. If you want to join just press the twitter button over there. But this is the nearest I’ve got to feeling really addicted to writing as opposed to sleeping…

On the other hand, I do nothing else. My wife, for example, would like me to wash, I mean wash-up, of course I wash – it’s not got that far yet – but it really is a massive distraction, especially for someone as disciplined as myself.

Still, if I see it as productive, I guess I can kid myself that I am actually working, but is stuff that small and quick reallly work? I don’t know, so of course, I wrote a poem about it called Lazy Writing. You can read it here.

I’ve put the micropoetry on their own page on this site – it’s called micro stuff and you can read it here:
Micropoems, Haiku, Senyu and Tanka

The Streets aka Mike Skinner & co. have put a track out to roost on the net – you download, do something with it (remix it with lyrics) and load it back up, and you never know, Mike might just like it! Well I thought it couldn’t hurt, so I gave it a go, and you can hear the result here:

The Streets and Me – the poet mix

I’m going to do the washing up now…